Patrick Curry at the Austin Forum

Virtual Reality in Austin: A New Generation of Gaming and Beyond

Posted November, 2016 — updated July, 2018


In September of 2016 I spoke at the Austin Forum, a community gathering that brings together technology leaders, advocates, and the public to learn about important technology topics. When the question of what to talk about came up, there was only one answer: virtual reality.

Here's a video of the talk I gave, which includes my origins into VR, why I'm so excited about its potential, and what I think the next few years of VR will look like, both in Austin and for the world at large. I hope you enjoy it!



I've since left Unity, but continue to be a huge fan of the people there and the technology they're making. My new company FarBridge is focused on VR & AR, and I'm dedicated to making the industry as inclusive and diverse as possible. Everyone is welcome. Anything is possible.


The Sequel: Holodecks, Arcades, and Other Applications

In July of 2018 I sat down with the team at the Austin Forum to record this podcast. (iTunes link for Apple Podcasts users)

We covered a ton of ground, like the slow merging of virtual reality and augmented reality, the arrival of holodecks, the potental uses of VR and AR for good, and more about our wonderful community of creators here in Austin, TX.

I'm very proud of both the video above, and this audio "sequel." Big thanks to Jay, Houli, and John for producing the show and making the Austin Forum the special place it is.


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